Thursday, December 13, 2012


 Of all the landscape photographs emulating Sally Mann's later work, this is my favorite. This photo was taken this summer, in the Galapagos, on a hike. The previous version is significantly different than this edited version because it was so colorful and bright. I added a Sepia affect, boosted the color, and blurred one half of the photo so that this photograph looked similar to Sally Mann's work.
 Although this photo is much brighter and perhaps simpler than Sally Mann's most famous work, there are still many similarities. Sally Mann mainly focused on photographing her family and children doing every day things. In this photo, I am doing Parvin's hair, which is also more casual. I like that we are not looking directly at the camera, even though most of Sally Mann's portraits of her children were looking at the camera.
 This landscape photograph was taken on a hike near my hour. I love the movement of the clouds in this photo, and how, even though the trees are in the center, there are a few more focal points. I also edited this photo to be black and white, and blurred the photograph to emulate Sally Mann's style of dark and imperfect landscapes.
 This photo was a very long editing process and emulates the work of Sally Mann that focused on faces. There are a few of her photos that only show one part of the face, for example the mouth or nose. I took a close up picture of the models skin, blurred it, and set it as the background. I then photoshopped only her mouth onto the skin background and blurred the edges so that it mostly blended into the background. I then clipped the outline of the tree and pasted it onto the background to make this photograph more complex.
 This photo is somewhat similar to the previous photograph of me doing Parvin's hair. Doing hair is an everyday event, and I like how Neff's hands look while she's braiding her hair. I darkened and edited the coloring of this photo so that it looked similar to the coloring and definition of Sally Mann's photographs. I also blurred the background so that the eye would mostly just notice Neff.
 This photograph of Eva at the top of a staircase does not emulate a specific photo of Sally Man, but I like how the lighting in the photo bounced off the walls, and, even though you can't see Eva's facial expression, she looks mad or alone. Anger or loneliness is a pattern in Sally Mann's earlier work.
 This photo was taken near my house. Before editing this photo, there was a beautiful sunset that made the trees appear black. The colors of the sunset did not show through with my edits, which makes the photograph more mysterious because the viewer may not be able to tell if it is day or night. I also blurred parts of the tries so that it looked more mystical. The blurring is not perfect, which i decided to embrace, similar to Sally Mann's perspective of imperfections in a photo.
This photograph is one of my favorites, which is why i ended the collection with it. Before i even put this photo together, I had a very clear image of what I wanted it to look like. I set up a timer and took many pictures until I decided i had the right shot. Although i wish i had taken the background photo, i was not able to find another photo i had taken that could make this photograph as successful as i wanted it to be. So, i took this colorful photo from Google and edited it to be black and white, boost the color, darken it, and blur corners and aspects of the trees. I edited myself into it and positioned myself so that i appeared to be sitting on the rocks. I blurred the outline of my body so that I looked more realistically in the photo. I like that this photo is very solemn, similar to the work of Sally Mann.