Thursday, September 20, 2012


These three marks in the ground are similar in shape and color and give a sense of repetition that is more natural.
None of these pennies are exactly alike, so that they create an interesting pattern. The angle of this photo is also an example of leading lines
This repetition is in the form of a column, which is different than most of my other photos that are items in a row. I also like that you can see a little of Cortland and my reflection.
The coloring and shadowing in this photo interests me. The colors pop out compared to the plain desk. Also, the desk is light on top of the skittles, and after the skittles is more darkness. The skittles are also an example of repetition in a row.

The stairs are a less obvious form of repetition, but the white lines are the same. The lighting in this picture also appeals to me.

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