Wednesday, October 24, 2012


 The mural behind the figure was actually from a photo I was in. I placed my photo in front of me so that it looked the same size as a person would look in the photo. The sepia affect in this photo also made the figure look proportional to the mural and as if it were taken at the same time.
 I actually took the background photo in Hawaii, when I was visiting a waterfall. I initially wanted my figure to be standing on top of the branch, which was hard to achieve. Instead i measured where the hands would be in proportion to the branch and then held it to make the figure look like it was hanging on the tree. The angle of below the figure made it seem bigger and also more personal. This reminded me of a sci-fi movie.
In this photo, my figure is looking at a photograph or an old movie. I took one of my photographs that you can only see when placed in front of a light. I put it in front of a bright computer. I like this photo because of the position of the figures arms.

 This is a very simple photo, but i like that the wood is still very detailed. The position of the figure looks like something a person would do, and i like how the string looked in its arms. This is not the strongest photo, but it does make my figure look more life-like.
 I took this photo in the Galapagos. I wanted to place my figure next to the turtle, or running away. That was hard to do because the figure wasnt already in the photo, and it didnt look believable. I placed it "behind" one of the trees so that it almost looked like it was hiding from the tortoise.
This photo was also taken in the Galapagos. I held it by the legs and put it in the position before putting it in front of the computer. I took is from the angle of the side of the figure. I like how believable this photo is and how the figure really looks like it is laying in the hammock.

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