Friday, February 1, 2013


This photo was taken coming back from a volleyball tournament. The contrast of the city and the sunset in the sky makes the photo look bolder, and i like the added movement of ropes on the bridge. 

 I pass by the beach every day, which is great opportunity for sunset photography. I chose this photo because of the group of people, which gives much more to look at in this photo than just a sunset. This photo was very yellow before, so i added more sharpness and contrast to make the sun stand out, and i changed the coloring to more pink and blue.
 This photo was taken in the city. I was walking to my friend's house when I noticed the beautiful view and the sunset. I love the perspective of the houses getting smaller, the ocean in the background, and the telephone polls running from the middle of the photo to the side.
 I love the use of negative space in this photo, and that you can see the sky more and more through the trees until you get a small view of the ocean and the sunset. I also edited this photo to make it sharper and made the blue coloring brighter so that the sky was more visible even with the trees blocking some of the view.
I think that this photo was taken actually on the way to school. We had to go to school earlier that day, so the sun was just rising in the sky. I'm always amazed when clouds turn pink in a sunset or sunrise. I also like the NE in the mirror that is brought out more with the blue in the sky. I like that it is apparent the photo was taken in the car, because it makes the photo feel less set up.

There isn't anything in this photo that is specifically different, but i love the coloring in this photo and the amount of ocean and hill that i put in the photo. I brought out the pink and blue in the photo, similar to my editing technique in the other photographs. 

This photograph is different than the other ones because it is primarily documenting the blue sky, without anything interrupting that scenery. The ocean is at the bottom of the photo, with a hint of pink fading into the light, but deep, blue sky. 

This photo was also taken while going to school, and passing by the beach. I like that you can see the construction work, and that there is also a mountain in the back ground. It is very small, but there is  also a little ship in the background. I like the soft coloring of this photo, which was also a theme in my other photos. In all the photographs, i attempted to make a them softer and added to the brightness of the pink and blue coloring.

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