Friday, May 17, 2013


I chose this photograph because i think it is a strong portrait of Eva, and i like the blending of the two photos. 

This photograph is strong because it is so focused on the flower and the bee. It took me a while to find a good angle and to get the bee to stay still. This photograph is very detailed because you can see the patterns on the bee and the delicate details of the wings.

I like this photograph because it is very dark, but the small branches on the burnt trees add enough contrast for it to still be satisfying to the eye.

I also like the effect on this photograph, and it is a very serene picture.

This photograph is one of the less strong ones of this series. I chose to include it because i like the patterns and how it gets darker as the stems get smaller and they go to the middle.

This is a very interesting photograph and is a little confusing if you don't know what it is. The goose bumps create an interesting texture which makes this photograph more strong.

This is one of my favorite photographs because it took me a while to edit it and fade it, and in the end it came out just how i wanted it to. It looks like an older photo, which makes it more interesting to look at.

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